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Struggling to integrate relationship building and SEL? We have been helping schools and teachers around the world (Four continents, 20+ countries) build connection-rich classrooms, full of ownership and engagement for 20 years. Uniquely simple and accessible methodology that surprises even the most experienced educator.

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Working to unify a group? Build a mentoring program? Create leaders? We are trusted around the world to activate the transformative energy of relationships and exponentially increase sustainable results through unique training that works with each person.

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The Mind the Gap Master Class is now an e-learning online course available to you anywhere in the world.  Learn the fundamentals BoldLeaders took around the world with the U.S. State Department and countless non-profit organizations that continues to change lives.

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BoldLeaders Co-Directors

We have spent decades traveling the world and working with diverse groups with diverse backgrounds.  We tinkered and tested and built an enduring, science-based and human-centric framework that yields breakthrough performance in literally any setting.  Our consulting, online classes and physical products are appropriate anywhere people come together and we guarantee using our framework will increase participation, learning and collaboration.

More About Us
Brady Rhodes
Brady has taught and worked in diverse national and international settings, designed curriculum for multiple programs and consulted with leading agencies, educators, corporations and U.S. Embassies around the world.
Michael Donahue
Twenty years of transformational program design and delivery, a background in classical and applied psychology, and specialization in group dynamics and dialogue makes Michael an expert resource for any learning initiative.


Here’s what some of our past BoldLeaders have had to say:

…that marked a beautiful turning point that made me explore the inner me & realize the tremendous potential I had in store that could of course make a difference in so many lives. Not only did the program build my self-esteem to boldly face everyday life challenges but also changed entirely my view about life itself. I can now appreciate the diversity and respect people’s different opinion.”

Dr. Mariam Ali Dawood
Coast Provincial Medical Hospital

…and intertwined challenges of the 21st century, I see BoldLeaders as one of the best programs I know of to prepare people to innovate collaborative solutions while engaging diverse, often rival perspectives.”  

Andrea Godshalk
Olin Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis

The BoldLeaders team was quite simply, outstanding. In all my years as an educator, I have never seen the drive and dedication that this team of people demonstrated. The teens responded to that…drawing from their energy and enthusiasm.”

Cosi Manoli
American Academy, Larnaca, Cyprus

Since BoldLeaders I have been more reflective of myself; of how I am listening to people, serving people, collaborating with people, minding “gaps” with folks, how I use language, and how I am interacting with folks in ways that make me uncomfortable, yet open.”

Adrian Cabral
Student - University of Denver; Board Member - Advocates for Youth

…to practice, BoldLeaders uses unique, realistic and touching techniques to attack real, relevant issues.”

Brenna O'Rourke
International School of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Boldleaders brought a powerful discussion to my team of young people focused on getting back to the most fundamental human resources we all possess. The conversation challenged their view of themselves and the world in a way that opened up new possibilities for their lives. In many ways, this conversation is where everything must begin because it is the place from where true transformation can happen. I am very grateful to the Boldleaders team for bringing their expertise to my students!”

Sarah Zapiler
The Futures Project

BoldLeaders is effective at working with students and adults.  They navigated both relationships effectively because it is evident their organization is comprised of individuals that are capable, prepared, engaged, and who care about our students, our schools, and our communities.  I am happy to recommend them for future work with Denver Public Schools.”

Hap Legg
Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College

interesting, educational, dynamic, interactive and motivational; it left a lasting impression on our staff.  BoldLeaders incorporated interactive activities that opened up avenues of critical thinking that deepened the way we think about our perceptions of others, how we make judgments based upon those perceptions and how those judgments impact our interactions. Not only did this prompt discussion on the day but it has become information we continue to use in the formation of ongoing goals and plans. I enthusiastically recommend the team at BoldLeaders.

Lori A. Cohn
Rocky Mountain Pediatric Youth Clinics

My involvement in the community developed as I presided over two clubs at my high school and was elected to become Chairwoman of a county-wide student organization. Not only was I known as a strong leader, but also my relationships with my family and friends grew stronger. The lessons and skills that I learned from BoldLeaders has truly influenced my everyday life-a true testament to the impact of this program.” 

Sehej Johar

The idea of working across barriers such as culture and language can be a daunting task. The BoldLeaders workshops gave me an entry point in which ALL human beings are connected and reminded me of resources we all have to empower ourselves and create change.  By finding the common denominators we all share, it allows a bridge across common development roadblocks, allowing us to understand one another even better.” 

Lacey Chapman
Northeast Transportation Connections

The unique design of the Bold Leaders program utilizes a relational connection between mentors and youth that allows participants to lead the way through their own self-exploration in a supportive environment that challenges their preconceptions and opens them to greater possibility. If youth on both a local and global level were equipped with this type of leadership development, they would be able to affect the type of progress in their own lives and in our world that would truly make a difference.”

Quinn Brady
Indigenous Education Foundation Tanzania

They faced challenges with optimism and a positive approach, removing the labels of “convicted” and  “beyond control” from the lives of the young women they were engaging, even dealing with issues they had no prior knowledge of such as mental illness and suicidal tendencies.  The BoldLeaders team maneuvered a definite storm in a teacup, at the end allowing participants to see a different image of themselves: label-less, with a future, able to believe, engage and positively impact society once again. I highly recommend BoldLeaders as an organization of choice for development partnership.”

Teocah Dove
United Nations Development Program; Teocah Dove Foundation

They are exceptional facilitators – BoldLeaders themselves – and it is a delight and privilege to watch them work with youth.  Their style is very interactive and they work with our young people in a way that keeps the teens engaged and empowered.

BoldLeaders also works with our organization in curriculum development and we consult with them regularly on how to develop lessons that will make the biggest impact with our teens.  They have written key parts of our training manual.  They have designed highly successful trainings for our mentors.  They have led one day transformational workshops for us with over 100 high school students at a time.  Further, we consult with them on leadership training and development and they work with our facilitators to coach and improve their ability to make a difference.  They are some of the best in the business at creating positive change working with teens and working with adults who work with teens.”    

John Laney
Colorado Youth at Risk

What parents say when we asked “What difference did participating with BoldLeaders make for your son or daughter?”

“She is a different person. I believe her outlook and experience will last a lifetime and possibly move her toward foreign service.  She was more willing to share difficult situations with us and also knowing she has a new support group.  I can’t say enough about what the whole package meant to us. It’s the best thing that molded her way of life.”

“She  left with a great level of confidence, a desire to do more with causes she is passionate about and opened new interests for degree programs when applying to colleges this fall.”

“He is much more open and compassionate. See the plight of others as on obligation to at least acknowledge and whenever possible get involved in hopes of making a difference.”

“He is much more comfortable with sharing his opinion with people that are not his close family. Engaged in debate over important issues of the day. Willing to take more risks. As he headed off to college, I felt that he was very well prepared to jump into its many opportunities for connection and growth, thanks to the BoldLeaders program emphasis on Mind the Gap and a life fully lived. Indeed, his college experience thus far has been excellent.”

“My son attended an excellent public high school and got a good education there. But most public schools lack resources or curriculum that can provide a seminar-like experience of a small group that intensely investigates things of a psychological and spiritual nature. That is what BoldLeaders provided him, along with peer encouragement and insight, a much broader perspective on the world, and a sense that he can make a difference.”

“It opened  her eyes to the world and changed her perspective of life in general. Still not sure where all of that will take her – yet was very positive and changed her path in life.”

“We will only know the real impact in around 10 years – it changed her course in life and made her a much deeper and inquisitive person.”

“The BoldLeaders program brought out (enhanced) many qualities in her. She was always a reflective person but was able to analyze work/opportunites/relationships more effectively. I believe the program gave her confidence to know what she can accomplish. She is less afraid of failing. She has grown in her communication skills and willingness to take on leadership roles.”

“She was naturally empathetic before but now is more actively engaged for social justice. She also knows how to participate as a leader in a group without being aggressive or bossy. She has learned how to collaborate.”

“She gained self-confidence, a connection to peers who were also seeking to move beyond the restricted perspectives of their specific locales, and learned a lot about leadership skills.”

“She enjoyed the adult and peer connections she established through BoldLeaders. This contributed to her sense of having a support network as she considered what was significant to her in her next steps.”

“The BoldLeader experience was literally life-altering for her. She “grew up” as a result of her experience. It created a path to self-love and self-awareness that would not have occurred without the experience.”

“She is able to look past the labels that are so readily thrown about as an older teen, and has looked inside for her identity and trusts what she has found. She is mostly free of many of the stories that most older teens get stuck in, and is creating a powerful life as a result.”

” The program gave her interest in participating globally for the education of young women. That alone gave me a different sense of her empathy and maturity.”

“I think it gave her even more confidence and a yearning to do great things beyond just being a “normal teenager,” and it inspired and continues to inspire her to think globally and to try to be a leader in her group of friends and in our community and beyond.”

“I think that BoldLeaders does an amazing job in terms of teaching being present in the moment, open and honest communication and the confidence to know how important (yet sometimes how difficult) that can be, to mind the gap of different cultures, etc. All of these skills honestly are probably way more important than GPAs, test scores, etc. for long term success and happiness throughout an entire lifespan. So what you provide is what I think parents wish their children would have received in High School if they were not able to participate in the BoldLeaders program.”

“He became much more sure of himself and realized that he had the talent and ability to act on his concern for humanity.”

“BoldLeaders has figured out how to bring a diverse group of students together and help them connect with one another and understand each other’s perspectives.. . .. BoldLeaders has what it takes to help school leaders break down barriers and it would have been great for motivated, community-minded students to get that type of training their freshman year so they could help transform the social culture of the school and make it more welcoming for a diverse group of students.”

“He is more in tune to current events than previously. Also, connected to a broader group of people- for instance, not exclusively hanging out with the same friends he sees all day at school, but venturing off. . .”

“Built confidence, expanded her perspective of global issues and of other people in general, gave her numerous tools for understanding deep themes in life, built strong friendships with many dynamic leaders here and abroad, opened her eyes to the excitement of travel, new cultures, new histories, and so much more.”

” I think the biggest difference is her general confidence level, and willingness to dive right in to situations. While she’s always been social and outgoing, I think Bold Leaders added a depth and centeredness to her as well.”

“I believe the BoldLeader program helped her to see the world as a bigger place than just her high school, or what she perceived it to be. It allowed her to ‘go big’ at college and to open herself to the experience. The general BoldLeaders principles can be found in many different programs. It seems that each time one of the principles is found in another area it reinforces the BoldLeaders teaching and experience.”

“I have seen the the BoldLeader core principles repeated over and over again. These have become part of our family vernacular not just her.  She seemed to become more confident and humbler at the same time.”


…of community training organizations over the past 10 years and can say that the BoldLeaders training curriculum, without a doubt, is the most advanced and cutting-edge leadership program that I have experienced. 

The BoldLeaders training material is simple and accessible; in and of itself, the content is a game-changer for individuals and organizations that desire shift. Yet, it is the advanced facilitation techniques and style of the BoldLeaders staff that supports a widespread transformation for participants. They are gifted facilitators who have mastered how to guide any demographic into new explorations of what it means to be a “leader.” Working alongside these three, I never ended a day without a core shift in my own perspective or way of being. And for two years, I witnessed youth and mentors sharing and shedding parts of themselves, in one-on-one and group settings. Participants accessed voice and vulnerability, tears and play, and could leave the program with tools to catalyze innovative and inspired movements in their communities. I have stayed in communication with participants throughout the years and have found this to be true: you cannot leave a BoldLeaders program untouched.” 

Kate Mullin
True Story Works

There is no doubt in my mind that the work of the BoldLeaders, is relevant and pertinent to lives of the young people they interact with, my only wish is that more people can get to experience what I have and continue to experience on a daily basis.”

Carlene Perryman
British Council - St. Georges, Grenada

If you – on both local and global levels were equipped with this type of leadership development, you would be able to affect the type of progress in your own lives and in our world that would truly make a difference.”

Quinn Brady, Community Activist, Educator

I can say that the BoldLeaders training curriculum, without a doubt, is the most advanced and cutting-edge leadership program that I have experienced.”

Kate Mullin, Educator, Writer

With a view to empowering youth, to promoting collaborative leadership skills, intercultural dialogue and civic engagement, the Cyprus BoldLeaders Project is one of our most successful programs. I am convinced that the skills they learn in Denver will remain with them for life.”

Juliette Dickstein
U.S. Embassy - Nicosia, Cyprus

The work of BoldLeaders in opening the minds of leaders around the world far surpasses the alternative programming offered and truly works lasting change in the hearts and minds of all participants. The inspiration of the principles of BoldLeaders inspired my work with the Graduate Research and Innovation Fellowships Network at USAID.”

Hannah Chasen

…come away from these programs totally energized and enthusiastic about what they have learned. The programs are exceedingly well-run. BoldLeaders has the capacity and the ability to deliver programming that is creative, sustainable and effective. We highly recommend them.”

Quincy Dermody

Bold Leaders has a special approach to training in the corporate environment.  They are master facilitators in guiding the team through fundamentals while allowing the team the freedom to think about how these fundamentals effect their real-world.  This allows each individual to keep their mind in the game and choose to be a part of a bigger outcome as a team.   Compared to other training courses which force a system on a team, Brady and Michael suggest better approaches to what are often roadblocks in teamwork and communication.  At the same time, they are monitoring the room and instinctively guiding the process slowing and sometimes stopping to work through issues as they arise.  This is a training experience that speaks to one’s individual aspirations while confronting the tough realities.  It causes a deep awakening in one’s ability to think “I got this!”.  BoldLeaders provides the tools to make it all possible offering value in a better way to communicate and entice strong collaboration. 

Working with BoldLeaders, you realize that you’ve got support and options to face the harsh realities of breakdowns within the workforce.  It doesn’t have to be destructive or negative anymore.  You can truly learn the root causes of communication failures and realize it’s not personal and it impacts every team around the world.  Getting comfortable with human communication and knowing it’s common pitfalls empowers you to be a better player in the world.  Ultimately you become an agent of positivity, resourcefulness, and trust among your peers and colleagues.  Imagine what this can do for your team and company.   One day can truly change your life.

BoldLeaders’ experience comes from such diverse backgrounds but unites into one framework of human communication and engagement.  For executives and managers, they are the type of trainers you want to invite in.  You will quickly find that not only are you signing on to fix any communication hardships and team conflicts, but you are giving your employees access to tools that are used to bring nations of conflict together.  It’s more than your company and goals – it’s people’s lives, but your company will certainly be the first to reap the rewards.

…offered me intensive personal growth from all aspects. I was forced to think about questions of self evaluation, self respect, what are the things that work and do not work for me. I’d always considered myself open minded, but now I learned how important it is to listen to others like my life depends on it, and to have all possible perspectives in mind before a decision.

Rose Nagy
Gandhi Secondary School, Hungary

The change in behavior and attitudes our young people experienced through the program did not stem from text book knowledge rhetoric, rather it came from a place of being real with youth; allowing them to cry, to be angry, to laugh, to work hard and play hard, to embrace each other, to find a way to get a task done and to appreciate themselves for who they are. BoldLeaders did not just provide information; they provided the platforms for the knowledge to come alive.”

Ryan Hoppie
Come Alive Network

…caring and complex on a theoretical level. The program leaders tirelessly searched every activity for lessons and potential networks and opportunities for cooperation, but only in patient teamwork with the students. Presentations were not lectures, but invitations for participation. I was extremely impressed with the program and the BoldLeaders staff. I have participated in many similar programs in the past and these students experienced the best high school leadership program I have seen. “

Jamie Freuh, Ph.D.
Bridgewater College

…we are better able to prepare and teach youth how to handle these situations of cultural assimilation. BoldLeaders’ curriculum centers on themes of perspective, integrity, and respect and sets our students up for a successful and productive trip. We are extremely happy to be working with BoldLeaders and would highly recommend this program to other organizations.”

Sarah Andrews
Edge of Seven

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