Brenna O’Rourke
Brenna works as an Information and Reporting Officer for the IRC in Chad, Africa. She has a Master’s degree in Sustainable International Development and Coexistence and Conflict from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations: Peace and Justice Studies from Tufts University. Brenna has lived in Africa for the last two years. Before moving to Chad, lived in Rwanda as part of the national Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), working in the field of Civic Education. Before joining BoldLeaders, Brenna worked in South Africa as an educational consultant to an “at risk” youth organization, Conquest for Life.
Brenna began as a team member in 2005 before moving to Burundi, Chad and Cameroon. She has a degree in International Relations and has been part of reconciliation work in Rwanda.