As 2019 comes to a close, here are the current happenings at BoldLeaders. Find a way to participate and plug in below!
- During the last two years our Bold Fellows program has done incredible work around the world. This program open to past participants and other stakeholders who are working on (or want to develop) social impact projects within their community. To date the Fellows have worked with over 31,000 people! Keep an eye on our Facebook page and in newsletters to hear more and more updates and reports from the Bold Fellows.
- As you can tell, we continue to upgrade and maintain our website! Be sure to investigate our three call to action items: For the Workplace; For Educators, and; Mentoring. Each has free products/curriculum to download as well as unique newsletters.
- We are marketing a new product that we have been using for the last 15 years and now want to make available for individuals and school and other youth organizations. The Elementals: Actions for the Practice of Life could be a very timely for schools that are working on SEL competencies but have lots of other things on their plate. We have a Companion Guide for Educators as well that offers integration ideas and gives more details. However, they are not just for schools! Our design process including prototyping with 50 diverse individuals and they all found them useful in their own lives. Check them out here!
- We created the BoldLeaders Institute and the Minding the Gap Master Class – an online e-learning course that is for anyone working with groups: teachers, managers, facilitators, coaches, mentors, etc. The course is only $200 and is offered in two options: a one-time download of all the content that you investigate at your own pace or a scheduled 6 week Social Learning class where you receive the content week-by-week and discuss it with other participants during a weekly recorded video chat. The fourth class just completed and we are really excited going forward to work with more!
- We continued to facilitate and enhance a juvenile diversion program in Nebraska that impacts new groups of 20+ teens/month. We have worked with 1000+ students in the last three years. The program builds off our Platforms by creating environments to build self-agency. This is significant because most diversion programs have a tough time getting away from the “I am in trouble and need to just get through this to clear my record” mindset.
- Mentoring: While we have been working intensively with a variety of mentoring organizations since 1998, it has not been until recently that we worked to streamline our materials and processes in order to offer a more coherent series of trainings, program designs, curriculum and contextual work. BoldLeaders Co-Director Michael Donahue recently presented a Ted-style talk and two workshops on some of our material at a Mentoring Colorado conference. Give us a call to learn more and keep an eye on the website as we offer more glimpses.
Whew! Of course there is more but those are some aspects of our recent work. Keep tabs through our newsletter if you are not signed up yet and reach out to let us know what you need or simply tell us how you are in the Comments section below.
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